Philips Zoom! Real People, Real Whitening Results

Dani: When I saw my smile for the first time, I was like, See look, its like a new me and you know, I felt like I could really go take on the world at that point.

David: I found that I'm more able to smile freely and not be so self conscious about the smile. I feel a lot more confident. I feel like I'm more professional and presentable. Over time, I was very pleased with the results.

Jonathan: After the WhiteSpeed she brought down a mirror and said, you want to take a look? And I honestly couldn't pull out my phone fast enough to take a picture of it. I feel I can talk to anybody and not feel like I need to cover my mouth.

Rosa: I was really insecure with my teeth, like the color of them. I would often cover my mouth and I would smile or like when I would talk to people, I wouldn't like to just open my mouth as much.

David: Even though I would brush and floss and do everything I was supposed to, I would still have those dingy, grungy teeth from years of smoking.

Diana: All my life, my smile has been kind of yellow, I guess is a good way to say that.

Dani: The idea that I could go in and do one treatment quickly and get lighter to any extent was appealing to me.

Jonathan: My dentist recommended WhiteSpeed for the most dramatic change for me. They put the gel on my teeth and used the light. Four different sessions.

Allen: It was basically flawless. As far as the fear factor goes, there was no pain. There was nothing. It wasn't hard at all.

Rosa: I chose Phillips Zoom take-home because of my schedule. With the whitening trays, it was actually easier than I thought. I would just slip it right in and go right to bed.

David: After that first day of using it, I'd noticed there was a difference and I thought, okay, I should stick with this.

Diana: The whitening has helped give me a push to get the other dental work done. I will continue and get the rest of them fixed so I'll have an even better smile.

Jonathan: I never in a million years expected it to be this dramatic of a change in my teeth. I'm definitely finding myself smiling a lot more than than I did in the past.

Rosa: Everybody noticed the changes in my teeth: Friends, family, my boyfriend, my mom. Everyone would say I'm glowing and I'm pretty sure it was because my teeth were shiny.

Allen: When I got home, I went in and my wife looked at me and said, "Wow, you look 10 years younger." I said, "Boo-yah."

CosmeticMaggie Kennedy